Dog care advice for new pet owners


Are you a new pet owner? Is the pet a dog? Then definitely you require dog care advice for taking care of your dog. dogs are like family and a new entrant requires special attention and care. This is the most important of all dog care advice. The first few months are critical for the dog to get comfortable. The first thing to do is to keep it close by always. You may face the problem of dog poo in your house but that is a part of the training. Speak to your dog and give non-verbal cues as dogs are intelligent animals and will start understanding you. Touch and stroke carefully and reward for good behaviour. This will help the dog in learning manners. Another important thing is the dog collar. Always consult the vet when you buy the dog collar. The vet will give you instructions on how long and what type of collar may be best for your dog. This is just the beginning of the long relationship you are going to have, so be patient.

Essential dog care products

Dog care products - Brushes

Dog care products are essential for taking care of the dog. Here are some dog care products which are a must have in every home with a dog as a pet. These products are needed for daily grooming which will make your dog happy and clean. (1) Dog Brushes – There are mainly three kinds of brushes. They are simple bristle brushes, wire pin bristle brushes, and slicker bristles brushes. The simple bristles are the most versatile and can be used on any breed , wire pin bristles are used for dogs with woolly coat and slicker bristles are used for breeds with a thick undercoat. (2) Shampoo – The dog will invariably accumulate dust and mud on its body. Weekly shampoo with specific dog shampoo is to be done for cleanliness. (3) Clippers for hair trim – Some breeds will have really fast growing hair which needs to be trimmed fortnightly. Proper clippers are required and should be kept handy. (4) Dryer – The dog’s coat may become wet which is not only unhygienic for us but also unhealthy for the dog. A dog coat dryer is a product which is essential for the dog. This was a small list of dog care products. If you want to learn about getting a loan to buy some expensive dog care products you can apply for a cash loan. You can find detailed information for the same in the Ferratum. It is fun to read and educative as well.

Dog Names – Make Good Decisions

dog names
I think that just the way we carefully think up a name for our human children, we need to also choose our fur-children’s names with care. There are so many dog names to choose from really, although most people like to give their dogs a human name. I’ve got friends with dogs and cats with names like Alice, Kelly, Celeste, Blake and Wendy. Then you can find the people who like the more traditional dog names like Spot, Blacky and Beauty. If you allow your kids to name your dog, you might get names like Kitty, Puppy or something of that ilk, remember puppy might be cute at 3 months but will it still be ok when your four legged friend is older?. The dog’s breed can often help you to choose a nice name such as Rommel for a Doberman Pinscher, or Kelly like I’ve already mentioned for an Irish Terrier. I guess its all about taste, but your dog is a family member too, and a nice name will communicate to him that you care for your dog like any other family member.

Just Like Humans, Your Dog’s Skin Needs Loving Care

People who have never had a dog, don’t know what they’re missing in terms of a true and devoted friend. Dogs need love and attention, just like any other member of your family. Your dog’s skin needs care too, particularly because skin problems can be uncomfortable for your dog and cause a lot of misery. Lots of these skin problems though are preventable with the right knowledge and care.
caring for your dog skin is as important as caring for your own

Just like with ourselves, overexposure to the sun, especially with white haired dogs can be seriously dangerous. If you’re going to be on the beach, put a pet-safe sunblock on. For overheating, a reflective jacket can also help to keep your dog cool. Remember that if your dog has been cavorting in the waves or in the field, grooming will help keep your best friend’s skin healthy. Matted and tangled hair can cause hot spots and skin irritations, so always brush your dog, even if it has short hair.

This kind of contact with your pet keeps the skin healthy but strengthens the bond between you as well. Don’t bath your pet too often as it destroys the dog’s natural oils and can irritate sensitive skin as well. Dogs make such absolutely awesome pets, its worthwhile taking special care of such a loyal and devoted friend.


The Current News on the Deadliest Treat for Dogs? Rawhides

We’ve all been guilty of buying bags and bags of these mysterious things? Why not, they seem to work at getting our little puppies or even large dogs busy chewing on something to keep them busy and occupied and frankly, to not destroy our beloved furniture!

Well the science of what these things are made of is disturbing. It’s actually a toxic “leather” stick, and when you finally realize what it takes to make this, you will likely agree of the dangers.

You’ve probably known someone who’s had a pet need emergency surgery from digesting a rawhide, but the thing is most of the people around the world, including New Zealand, believe it’s some sort of dried up meat stick.

rawhide toxic affair - do you want your dog to eat this?

“Producing rawhide begins with the splitting of an animal hide, usually from cattle. The top grain is generally tanned and made into leather products, while the inner portion, in its “raw” state, goes to the dogs.”  according to

The steps that go into making these pretty chew toys from raw leather is fairly intensive and too long for this blog, but we at challenge you to do your own research. Your dog is worth it.

An investigation by Humane Society International stated in their report, “In a particularly grisly twist, the skins of brutally slaughtered dogs in Thailand are mixed with other bits of skin to produce rawhide chew toys for pet dogs. Manufacturers told investigators that these chew toys are regularly exported to and sold in U.S. stores.” –

Rodney Habib – Pet Nutrition Blogger and one of the most informed and advanced speakers around the world on pet safety and nutrition says….

“An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!”

Home remedies for Dogs

A dog is a great companion. I do not call it a pet, rather a friend.So why not use home remedies for some common problems of health the dog faces. It is natural healthy and inexpensive.It is not always justcash.

Home remedies for Dogs

  • Skin Problems and Cod Liver Oil – Dogs mostly face dry skin problem due to lack of sweat glands. A home remedy is adding cod liver oil in the water you use for bathing the dog. The Vitamin E in the oil helps the dry skin. In extreme problems only you need to consult the doctor.
  • Vomiting and the Electrolytes – Just like humans Dogs may vomit due to indigestion. They may lose water which is not good for their body. Put some electrolytes in the water they drink to replenish the lost salt. It is easy and simple.
  • Wounds and Epsom Salt soak – Dogs are just like children and may get wounds on their body. Just use the Epsom salt in you kitchen to soak the wounded area. You will be surprised at the rate the wound heals.
  • Fleas and Lime solution – You can get rid of fleas which are common in dogs. Use lemon solution. Lemon solution drives the fleas away and your dog will smell great too.
  • Yogurt for stomach problems – Yogurt that we eat can help the dog in almost all types of stomach problems. Just try it.

3 Tips to remove dog hair

Removing Dog hair

Dog hair is indeed a health hazard. It is more of a hazard if your dog comes inside your home. Bigger dogs will live in their kennel, so they do not pose this problem. But simply because of hair falling I cannot keep my dog out. Instead I take care to remove hair from my premises. Here are a few simple things you need to do to get rid of dog hair which is not easy to remove.

  1. Use Damp Cloth to clean wooden furniture – Yes dog here gets lost in the wood. You cannot see it with your naked eye. Also it clings on so stubbornly that a wipe with dry cloth will not help. Try a wet cloth or a wet sponge instead. Almost all hair will stick to the wet cloth/sponge. A very clever way to remove dog hair from furniture.
  2. Brush the fur of your dog regularly – This is the traditional yet the most effective way of reducing dog hair falling all over the house. Brush the coat regularly with special brush for dogs. It will remover 90% of hair which has fallen, removing chances of it spreading all over the house.
  3. Vacuum Clean the carpet in all directions – While cleaning with a vacuum cleaner we tend to just go in one direction. It is enough for a house without pets, but for a house with a dog you need to improve upon this technique. Just vacuum in all directions and you will pick up all the dog hair. Also check the filter regularly as hair clogs the filter.

So, these simple tips will help you. Also, you can suggest your own techniques which you have practically used.

New Zealand – Police Dogs.

New Zealand police Dog Unit honouring a fallen team member

New Zealand Police Dog Unit

New Zealand has one of the highest rates for ownership of pets and many of these are dogs, but dogs are not just for pets, they are competent member of teams working to assist and help in all kind of situations. There are dogs in the:-
• Police force
• The army
• Search and rescue
• Seeing eye dogs
• Watch dogs
• Sheep/farm dogs
• Gun and hunting dogs
The New Zealand police force has 21 dogs sections and 120 dogs in the teams. It costs up to $60,000 to train but there value is in their membership of the teams and with their handlers. As the dogs live with their handlers an incredible bond is created. As I am writing this a search is currently underway in Mt Holdsworth area, west of Carterton, for Thames, who became separated from his handler during a training exercise. Hopefully he will be found soon.
All the dogs on the force are German Shepherds, these wonderful dogs are highly intelligent and love to work and play. Their characters well suited for the work they are trained to do. All their training is at Police Dog Training Centre at Trentham, Upper Hutt, near Wellington, where they go through a 6 stage training system, graduating at about 18 months. The training centre has an excellent training reputation and has helped establish other training centre’s abroad. They work with other agencies when required, like with the training of detection dogs.
If you are interested in fostering or adopting a police dog, it is possible but there are strict regulations in place about who can and what is expected, if undaunted by this contact your local police station for details.
If yo u feel you would like to support these excellent dogs and their trainers and handlers you can by donating at:-
The New Zealand Police Dog Charitable Trust
Westpac Wellington
Account number 030251 0040111 00 or by email at

5 Tips to Train your Dog

Dogs are the most loyal and sensitive of all humans. Their hearing is 20 times more powerful than us humans. I love the company of dogs. But training them is essential. It makes them better. Just imagine if you do not go to school and do not learn. What will happen? So dogs also need to learn for their own betterment.

Dog Training

Training for your Dog



But while training we must take care. Here are a few things to be kept in mind while training which will make it easier for you.

  1. Understand – While training you need to understand the needs of your dog. Do not push by punishing.Respect his feelings and he will reciprocate better to your instructions.
  2. Show your love – Pamper your dog with the touch. They love the touch. Encourage by showing your love when he does the tasks correctly. This will reinforce his training.
  3. Be specific – Dogs are very intelligent but you have to be specific with your instructions. Hello should mean only a single behaviour. Dogs do not understand generalization. Hence be specific with your instructions.
  4. Consistency – Training is a continuous process, and it needs to be regular. If you follow the regime regularly your dog will learn quick. Persistent efforts always will give great results.
  5. Make it enjoyable – Put some creativity and make the training session fun. Playing is what a dog loves and he will learn better if he enjoys it.If you dog loves to jump or loves to fetch he will learn the associated task quickly and will remember better.

So, go ahead love your dog, think and care and you will get a buddy whom you can depend on.

How to Get Medicine Down Your Dog

tips to give dogs pills

One bad thing about owning a dog is that dogs fall ill just like people fall ill, and they often need medicine. However, they don’t make that tasty pink medicine for dogs like they make for kids. Most dog medicine comes in the form of pills, and it’s quite the chore to get it down your dog’s throat. How can you simplify this process? Well, you can start with America’s favorite processed meat – hotdogs! Buy a cheap 8-pack of hotdogs at the store, which should cost about 99 cents.

My beagle has bad allergies and needs to take two Benadryl every day. The pills aren’t very big, but the problem is that she can taste them and spits them out if I try to give them to her whole. Instead, I’ll take a hot dog, cut it into three pieces, and cut a slit in two of the hotdogs; I’ll then cut the pill in half, and stuff half a pill down each hotdog.

The one without a pill is the one I give her first. She chomps right through it and swallows it down, loving the hotdog. Then I’ll give her the ones with the pill halves inside, and she’ll typically go right through them. I repeat this process for each pill she needs. So, for two pills, that’s two hotdogs. Even on the occasions where she realizes the pill is in there, she still wants the hotdogs more than she doesn’t want the pills! So, if she spits one out, I’ll just cut off another piece and give it to her, and she’ll end up eating it.

Hiding pills in basic dog food doesn’t work as well, because the dogs don’t consider this to be a real treat. But if you hide it in something that’s a treat for them, they will woof it right down. Just make sure that the pill pieces are relatively small. If you keep them small enough, they’ll eat right through them.